Request for Driving Record

When any job that requires driving a motor vehicle, before hiring, it is always advisable to perform a check on the potential candidate’s driving record. Having an employee with a lot of red marks on their record can be a major liability for any business. Thus, it becomes crucial to run a thorough check on a potential driver’s past records to see to it that they have no criminal cases or tickets pending to their names.

A simple and professional way to request a copy of the applicant’s record would be to send a letter to the driver’s services facility in the state of residence. Make sure to obtain permission from the applicant first before requesting access to their personal information because otherwise, it will be a breach of code and ethics. As it is the personal records of an individual that you are looking into, for your benefit. This sample letter below will help you write an effective letter to request for driving record.

Request for driving record writing tips

Request for driving record template

Use our free Request for driving record Letter to help you get started. If you need additional help or more examples check out some of the sample letters below.


______________ Department of Motor Vehicles

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a letter requesting you to apply for all the motor vehicle documents of the individual named Mr./Mrs./Ms.___________residing in _____________.

I am from ______________(mention from where) and I require these documents to verify whether Mr./Mrs./Ms._______ has any past criminal records or cases pending against his/her name, so that I may be able to process his/her job application as a driver in our company,

Please, find enclosed all my documents and do send me all the details of the individual at the earliest so that I can process his profile fast.

Sample Letter

Below is the sample of a request for a driving record.

32, Southern California,

Date: 24th April 2018.

California Motor Vehicles Department,

Subject: Request for driving record.

To whomever, it may concern,

This is a letter requesting to apply for all the motor vehicle documents of the individual named Mr. Gordon Brown residing in 15th Westend Avenue. Southern California. USA.

I am from Globus Drives, an app cab driving company (est. 2010) and I require these documents to verify whether Mr. Brown has any past criminal records or cases pending against his/her name, so that I may be able to process his/her job application of a driver in our company, swiftly.

Please, find enclosed all my documents and do send me all the details of the individual at the earliest so that I can process his profile swiftly.

Email Format

Below is the email format of a request for driving record letter, for your convenience.

Subject: Request for driving letter.

To whomever, it may concern,

This is a letter requesting to apply for all the motor vehicle documents of the individual named Mr./Mrs./Ms.___________residing in _____________.

I am from ______________(mention from where) and I need these documents to verify whether Mr./Mrs./Ms._______ has any past criminal records or cases pending against his/her name, so that I may be able to process his/her job application of a driver in our company, swiftly.

Please, find enclosed all my documents and do send me all the details of the individual at the earliest so that I can process his profile swiftly.

  1. Request For Driving Record Letter
  2. Request for Academic Record
  3. Official Document/Contract Request Letter
  4. Request Letter – Request for an Endorsement or Testimonial
  5. Pay Rise Request Letter
  6. Request Letter for Appointment
  7. Transcript Request Letter
  8. How to Write a Request Letter
  9. Referral Request Letter
  10. Request Letter for Experience Certificate
  11. Sample Letter For Request A Refund
  12. Donation Request Letter Template
  13. Transfer Request Letter
  14. Request Letter – Change of Address Request Letter
  15. Request Letter – Cheque Book Request Letter
  16. Request Letter – Salary Request Letter
  17. Request Letter – Grant Request Letter
  18. Request for Deposition
  19. Request for Documents
  20. Request To Be Relocated Letter
  21. Request to Use Copyrighted Material
  22. Request to Waive Bank Fee
  23. Request for Copy of Right to Sue Letter
  24. Request for Production of Document
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