Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act ( R.S.C. , 1985, c. I-4)

1 This Act may be cited as the Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act .


2 In this Act, means any convention or agreement between Canada and another state relating to tax on income, and includes any protocol or supplementary convention or agreement relating thereto.


Marginal note: Meaning of undefined terms

3 Notwithstanding the provisions of a convention or the Act giving the convention the force of law in Canada, it is hereby declared that the law of Canada is that, to the extent that a term in the convention is

that term has, except to the extent that the context otherwise requires, the meaning it has for the purposes of the Income Tax Act , as amended from time to time, and not the meaning it had for the purposes of the Income Tax Act on the date the convention was entered into or given the force of law in Canada if, after that date, its meaning for the purposes of the Income Tax Act has changed.

Marginal note: Permanent establishments in Canada

4 Notwithstanding the provisions of a convention or the Act giving the convention the force of law in Canada, it is hereby declared that the law of Canada is that where, for the purposes of the application of the convention, the profits from a business activity, including an industrial or commercial activity, attributable or allocable to a permanent establishment in Canada are to be determined for any period,

Marginal note: Application of section 245 of the Income Tax Act

4.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of a convention or the Act giving the convention the force of law in Canada, it is hereby declared that the law of Canada is that section 245 of the Income Tax Act applies to any benefit provided under the convention.

Marginal note: Stock exchanges

4.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of a convention or the Act giving the convention the force of law in Canada, each reference in a convention to a stock exchange that is prescribed under, or for the purposes of, the Income Tax Act shall be read as a reference to a designated stock exchange, as defined in the Income Tax Act .

Marginal note: Application of section 94 of the Income Tax Act

4.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of a convention or the Act giving the convention the force of law in Canada, if a trust is deemed by subsection 94(3) of the Income Tax Act to be resident in Canada for a taxation year for the purposes of computing its income, the trust is deemed to be a resident of Canada, and not a resident of the other contracting state, for the purposes of applying the convention

Marginal note: Definitions

5 Notwithstanding the provisions of a convention or the Act giving the convention the force of law in Canada, in this section and in the convention,

does not include any pension payment or any payment under a plan, arrangement or contract described in subparagraphs (a)(i) to (ix) of the definition ; ( rente )

means the territory of Canada, and includes

and , with respect to property in Canada, are hereby declared to include

means, in respect of payments that arise in Canada,