Types of Classes

HCC offers a range of course delivery options to ensure you get the schedule you want and the classes you need! Use our online search for classes to browse availability by course type.

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Requires on campus attendance

On Campus

Fully in-person, instructor-led course, with scheduled class meetings at one of our five campuses or centers.


For those not ready for a fully online course, HCC offers courses that combine in-person and online delivery. Hybrid courses (also known as blended courses) replace a portion of traditional face-to-face instruction with web-based online learning (e.g., video lectures, online discussions, or activities).


Course with both an online video-conferencing and an on-campus component. Students must have the ability to participate online and in-person during the scheduled meeting times. Instructors will provide details on how meetings will be held.

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Does not require on campus attendance

Online: With live class meetings

Fully online instructor-led course, with live interactive weekly class meetings facilitated by your instructor in Canvas. Meetings and communication are through chat, email and/or videoconferencing. Faculty and students are online at the same time for the class meetings with additional online work done on their own.

Online: No live class meetings

Fully online, instructor-led course, without mandatory class meetings. Instructor communication and feedback is through Canvas. Students can access class resources and complete work on their own schedule (by posted due dates), as the instructor releases materials. Faculty and students are not necessarily online at the same time unless an appointment is scheduled.

Test drive an online course

For more information on online learning, including the opportunity to test drive an online course, please see our HCC Online webpage.