Community is at the heart of the recovery process with residents paving the way to rebuilding.

Forever changed by the Camp Fire on November 8, 2018, the Paradise community has bonded together to overcome hurdles and begin rebuilding our town. With the Long-Term Recovery Plan guiding us, we are working to restore Paradise to be all its name implies.

The Long-Term Recovery Plan was created with community members, for community members. Through an extensive public input process, asking questions and outlining strengths and weaknesses, the plan was created to create a vision for recovery. Projects include road evaluation and rehabilitation, a walkable downtown, evacuation route improvement, public safety, support for education and the arts, and much more. View the Long-Term Recovery Plan by clicking the link below.

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Project Summaries of Disaster Recovery Projects (3 MB)

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Paradise Long Term Recovery Plan (83 MB)

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Federal Advocacy Platform for Paradise Ca (2 MB)

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Paradise Broadband Feasibility Study (4 MB)

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Paradise Long Term Recovery Plan 3 Year Update 2022 (65 MB)